Work Experience Summary

Jun 2024 – currentDigital Health Lead Clinical Safety Officer at Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (NNUHFT), Norwich, UK
Jul 2020 – May 2024Digital Health Clinical Safety Officer at Norfolk & Norwish University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (NNUHFT), Norwich, UK
Dec 2019 – currentBusiness Consultant at Molinera Minerva E.I.R.L., Peru and UK.
May 2019 – Dec 2019Member of the Business Development and Impact Group at Earlham Institute, Norwich, UK.
Jun 2018 – May 2019Project Manager MRC GCRF Eastern Mediterranean, Food Databanks National Capabilities, Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich, UK
May 2016 – Apr 2018DIET@NET ( Project Manager, Research Fellow in Nutritional Epidemiology, University of Leeds, UK
Jan 2014 – Apr 2016Project Coordinator for Zinc-Net COST, University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), UK
Nov 2013 – Dec 2015Postdoctoral research and part-time lecturing, University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), UK
Sep 2010 – Sep 2013PhD in Nutritional Sciences, University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), UK (awarded in 2014)
Sep 2009 – Jun 2011Research Assistant on EURRECA project, University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), UK
Sep 2007 – Sep 2008MSc Human Nutrition & Public Health with Sports, London Metropolitan University, UK
Sep 2005 – Sep 2007BSc(Hons) Human Nutrition, London Metropolitan University, UK
1995 – 2003BSc(Hons) Veterinary Medicine, Hermilio Valdizan University of Huanuco, Peru

Norfolk and Norwich University NHS (2020-)

Since July 2020 I have worked in Clinical Safety at the Norfolk and Norwich University Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, developing and implementing Clinical Risk Management activities, assessing hazards and ensuring compliance to safety standards to improve clinical safety of deployed digital health applications.

  • Undertaking clinical risk management assessment of Digital Health applications, including AI technologies.
  • Ensuring compliance with clinical safety standards.
  • Following best practice guidelines and aligning organization risk management process with the clinical safety strategy.
  • Investigating, resolving and learning from digital incidents.
  • Promote the clinical risk management framework, and involve stakeholders throughout the clinical risk assessment.  

Since June 2024 I am working as Lead Clinical Safety Officer, collaboratively with the James Paget University Hospitals and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital implementing the single Electronic Patient Record (EPR). This role is key to the implementation of the Trust’s Digital Clinical Safety Strategy, ensuring the effective and efficient use of healthcare associated technologies to support the delivery of high quality and safe patient care.

Earlham Institute (2019)

From May until December 2019 I was employed at the Earlham Institute in Norwich. I was responsible for supporting business development and commercialisation of ideas originating at the Earlham Institute, developing relationships with industry to develop opportunities to exploit these ideas. I undertook training at WIPO Academy for intellectual property (IP) management. I also developed non-disclosure agreement (NDA) skills during this role, liaising with stakeholders and contract writers. Additionally I undertook Foundations of Knowledge Exchange training (Praxis Auril).

Quadram Research Institute (2018-2019)

Between 2018 and 2019 I was a member of Food Databanks National Capability (FDNC) at Quadram Institute, managing the project “Capacity building in dietary monitoring and public health nutrition in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR)” funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC), Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). The EMR includes Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq. This project aims to assess status and provide training and capacity development in the use of improved standardized methodologies for food composition and food intake methods, and use of suitable biomarkers of nutritional value and health outcomes, to enable more robust measurements that underpin dietary monitoring and policy and wider nutritional research needs in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC). Data from the EMR project is available as open access in the EUROFIR food explorer.

Nutritools, University of Leeds (2016-2018)

Between 2016 and 2018 I was employed at the University of Leeds as a Research Fellow in Nutritional Epidemiology working as Project Manager for the Dietary Assessment Tool Network (DIET@NET) project, funded by the Medical Research Council to improve and innovate in dietary assessment technology. The DIET@NET partnership brings together leading experts in nutritional epidemiology and food composition from 8 UK universities and institutions. The output from this project was the Nutritools website. This website provides best practice guidelines for dietary assessment methods, visibility of the strengths/weaknesses of, and visualisation tools to aid in the selection of, a dietary assessment tool. It also provides the ability to run some dietary assessment tools directly.

I wrote significant parts of the Best Practice Guidelines paper, and coordinated its overall development, as well as publishing it together with related abstracts. I presented work from the Nutritools project at the ISBNPA conference in Canada (2017), and at Instituto de Investigacion Nutricional (IIN) in Peru (2017). I had a secondment to IIN promoting the related nutritional tool myfood24 and establishing links between the organisations (2018). I also spoke at Lund University in Sweden (2018), disseminating information about myfood24 and Nutritools. Finally, I helped to organize the website launch event on the final day of the project, and presented the Best Practice Guidelines and useful links.

ZincNet, UCLAN (2014-2016)

Between 2014 and 2016 I worked as Project Coordinator for the Zinc-Net project, funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), set up to build a multi-disciplinary platform of all professionals interested in the zinc micronutrient. My role also involved the organisation of events for the project, such as the November 2014 Zinc-Net meeting in London as well as workshops in Hungary, Turkey, Spain and the Czech Republic. I liaised with researchers at all levels from across Europe and across language barriers, managing the finance of the project, as well as providing end of year financial reports to the COST organisation. In addition, I wrote articles for blogs, for the NHD magazine, and for the EQUATOR network.

Postdoctoral, UCLAN (2014-2015)

Between 2014 and 2015 I performed postdoctoral roles, assisting permanent staff, searching for research funding for research projects, and lecturing.

PhD, UCLAN (2010-2014)

I completed my PhD in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Central Lancashire (UK). This included performing a study evaluating the impact of micronutrient supplementation during infancy on cognitive and social development in Peruvian pre-school children of lower socio-economical status with reference to zinc and cognition. In order to fulfil this study I developed a research relationship between UCLAN in the UK, and Instituto de Investigacion Nutricional (IIN) in Peru, so as to identify a suitable population, cater for all ethical requirements for Peruvian studies, recruit data collectors, as well as arrange for storage and analysis of blood samples. I subsequently published 2 academic papers relating to this PhD thesis.

EURRECA, UCLAN (2009-2012)

Between 2009 and 2012 I worked as a Research Assistant on the EURRECA program (EURopean micronutrient RECommendations Aligned). This program was set up to develop a framework of advice on micronutrients to better inform policy-makers as they formulate precise recommendations in Europe. The EURRECA network was made up of 35 partners in 18 countries within the EU.
My role within this project was to perform data extraction and meta-analysis of selected papers evaluating zinc intake, status and health outcomes for various population groups (adults, elderly, children and adolescents, pregnant/lactating women, and low income migrants), as well as to undertake several systematic reviews. I wrote and co-authored various papers during this role as part of the deliverables of the EURRECA project.

Professional Accreditations

With regard to professional acceditations, I am

In the past I have also been a member of the UK Nutrition Society, Society for Social Medicine and Population Health, Arthritis Action (UK) and British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (UK).